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Aggregate with subselect or subquery

I'm trying to make a query that returns how much I can produce based on the lowest value of a sum of component units from different warehouses.

Data come from tables like these:

codartp    codartc      unicompo
REF1       BLISTER1       1
REF1       BOX1           1
REF1       CHARGER1       2
REF2       BLISTER2       1
REF2       BOX2           1

codart      unidades      codalm
BLISTER1      100           4 
BLISTER1      150           1
BOX1          100           1
BOX1          100           4
BOX1          200           2
CHARGER1      50            3
CHARGER1      50            4 
BLISTER2      500           1
BLISTER2      300           4 
BOX2          150           2

I would need to sum how much I have from every component (blister, box, charger...) in total: BLISTER1: 250 BOX1: 400 CHARGER1: 100

And then return the lowest value divided by the unicompo (the number of components I need). With my stock of components, I could only produce 50 units of REF1: 100/2

Here is my subselect:

(select min(val) from (select sum(s1.unidades/e.unicompo) as val 
    from __STOCKALMART s1
    left join escandallo e on e.codartc = s1.codart
    where s1.codalm not in (0,9999) and e.codartp = l.codart) t) as PRODUCIBLE

The expected result would be something like this:

l.codart  producible
REF1          50
REF2          150

But I only managed to call either the min (in some warehouses is 0) or the sum of components, not min after the sum. I don't know if I'm explaining myself. Ask if I need to clarify anything

Thanks for your help


  • As long as there is no overlap between your product compositions (so no two products share a common component, otherwise you are looking at something way more complex), then the query below should give you a solution.

    Sample data

    create table ProductComponent
      codartp nvarchar(4),  -- product
      codartc nvarchar(10), -- component
      unicompo int          -- amount
    insert into ProductComponent (codartp, codartc, unicompo) values
    ('REF1', 'BLISTER1', 1),
    ('REF1', 'BOX1'    , 1),
    ('REF1', 'CHARGER1', 2),
    ('REF2', 'BLISTER2', 1),
    ('REF2', 'BOX2'    , 1);
    create table ComponentInventory
      codart nvarchar(10), -- component
      unidades int,        -- amount
      codalm int           -- warehouse
    insert into ComponentInventory (codart, unidades, codalm) values
    ('BLISTER1', 100, 4), 
    ('BLISTER1', 150, 1),
    ('BOX1'    , 100, 1),
    ('BOX1'    , 100, 4),
    ('BOX1'    , 200, 2),
    ('CHARGER1', 50 , 3),
    ('CHARGER1', 50 , 4), 
    ('BLISTER2', 500, 1),
    ('BLISTER2', 300, 4), 
    ('BOX2'    , 150, 2);


    Using some common table expressions (CTE's) to:

    1. Sum up all the inventory components across the warehouses.
    2. Divide the previous sums according to the product composition.

    This gives:

    with cti as -- component inventory total
      select ci.codart,
             sum(ci.unidades) as unidades
      from ComponentInventory ci
      group by ci.codart
    pci as -- product component inventory
      select pc.codartp,
             cti.unidades / pc.unicompo as maxPart
      from ProductComponent pc
      join cti
        on cti.codart = pc.codartc
    select pci.codartp,
           min(pci.maxPart) as producibleAmount
    from pci
    group by pci.codartp
    order by pci.codartp;


    codartp producibleAmount
    ------- ----------------
    REF1    50
    REF2    150

    Fiddle to see it in action with intermediate CTE results.