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How to schedule a lambda function with REST API

Having four API in one lambda function

  1. https://*******,
  2. https://*******,
  3. https://*******,
  4. https://*******

These are my 4 APIs and I have to schedule these 4 API Gateway for every day at 10:30 AM from Monday to Friday but I am unable to find the solution for scheduling API gateway. here is my .yml file

service: ****
  - serverless-plugin-typescript
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs10.x
  memorySize: 1024
  stage: dev
  region: ***
  timeout: 60
    handler: src/server.*****Handler
      - http: 'ANY /{proxy+}'
      - cors: true

Need to schedule http event but not able to find the solution I also used 'node schedule' but that is not working


  • Assuming you wanna call API Gateway endpoints everyday day at 10:30 AM. You can use CloudWatch Event Rule and register target a step machine that calls the API gateway

    Introducing Amazon API Gateway service integration for AWS Step Functions

    Periodically Start a State Machine Execution Using CloudWatch Events