Trying to load environment from js
file to having dynamic environment, independent from build based on this article.
file added to project like this:
(function (window) {
window.__env = window.__env || {};
// API url
window.__env.apiUrl = '';
// Whether or not to enable debug mode
// Setting this to false will disable console output
window.__env.enableDebug = true;
Then i add script to index.html to load js file:
<script src="env.js"></script>
I use global variable this way:
I serve the project everything works fine, I Build the project (regular build with ng build
) everything is fine too,
But when i build with ng build --prod
, the global variable is null,
how to tell webpack to there is a global variable that you should brig it in without using services?
any idea?
I use a JSON file to read Environment dynamically build independent:
This line Load env.json in AppModule inside APP_Initilizer:
export function init_app(appLoadService: AppInitService) {
return () => appLoadService.init("assets/env.json");
Note: dont forget the provide part:
providers: [
// TabGuard,
useFactory: init_app,
deps: [AppInitService],
multi: true,
// ...
The AppInitService:
providedIn: 'root'
export class AppInitService {
// This is the method you want to call at bootstrap
// Important: It should return a Promise
public init(path:string) {
return from(
fetch(path).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
map((config) => {
window['__env'] = config;
Then use an environment provider to provide envs:
import { EnvService } from './env.service';
export const EnvServiceFactory = () => {
// Create env
const env = new EnvService();
// Read environment variables from browser window
const browserWindow = window || {};
const browserWindowEnv = browserWindow['__env'] || {};
// Assign environment variables from browser window to env
// In the current implementation, properties from env.js overwrite defaults from the EnvService.
// If needed, a deep merge can be performed here to merge properties instead of overwriting them.
for (const key in browserWindowEnv) {
if (browserWindowEnv.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
env[key] = window['__env'][key];
return env;
export const EnvServiceProvider = {
provide: EnvService,
useFactory: EnvServiceFactory,
deps: [],
Use env provider like this:
env: any;
public envService: EnvService
) {
this.env = this.envService;