I'm trying to automate my instagram feed (in future extending to more users). To achieve that, im using:
Also, as mentioned in the docs: share on news section it seems to be posible to post, but not from my app, it opens instagram app (which also shows compatibility with mobile apps only).
My last guess is that it's maybe posible by using facebook's graph API facebook's docs, where:
curl -i -X POST \ "https://graph.facebook.com/{your-page-id}/feed?message=Awesome!&access_token={your-page-access-token}"
it's used to post.
I've tried to use same format but on instagram's API:
curl -i -X POST \ "https://graph.instagram.com/{your-page-id}/feed?message=Awesome!&access_token={your-page-access-token}"
I got response from server (what gives me some hope that at least the endpoint exists) but it was an error response with unauthorized code.
Anyone knows how to post an image using the graph API? Is it even posible?
If you need any more info please ask for it in a comment!
It is now possible to POST contents (images, videos inclusive) to your instagram feed using Instagram Content Publishing API(Visit their website for more details).
POST /{ig-user-id}/media
endpoint to create a media object container.POST /{ig-user-id}/media_publish
for creating endpoint to publish that container.