I have a parent-child component as below. Inside child.compontent.ts, I have a method : childFunction(). I want to call this method inside parent's function. How to achieve this ?
**Parent.html :**
<div class="box">
<input type="text" (input)="searchValue=$event.target.value" placeholder={{placeHolder}} />
<btn-icon [searchType]='searchType' [searchText]='searchValue'></btn-icon> // child component
**parent.component.ts :**
export class parentComponent implements OnInit {
// **Call** childFunction('inputValue');
**btn-icon is Child :**
**btn-icon.component.ts: (Child)**
export class btn-iconimplements OnInit {
@Input() Type: string;
@Input() Text: string;
//some logic
You can inject the Child Component using decorator @ViewChild()
private btnIcon: btn-icon;
Then you can access its properties like always: