I am trying to extend the AuditLog
entity in ASPNETBOILETPLATE framework in order to add some new properties to it. I have tried to extend the AuditLog
class (ExtendedAuditInfo
) and implement a customised version of AuditStore
Class (ExtendedAuditStore
). However, I am not able to inject my new ExtendedAuditInfo
in the constructor and receive two error messages regarding unmatching input parameters in the Constructor
and SaveAsync
Class ExtendedAuditInfo:
public class ExtendedAuditInfo : AuditInfo
// Some properties
Class ExtendedAuditStore:
public class ExtendedAuditStore : AuditingStore
public ExtendedAuditStore(IRepository<ExtendedAuditInfo, long> auditLogRepository)
: base(auditLogRepository)
public override Task SaveAsync(ExtendedAuditInfo auditInfo)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(auditInfo.Parameters) && auditInfo.Parameters != "{}")
var parameters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AuditParameterInput>(auditInfo.Parameters);
if (parameters != null)
auditInfo.CustomData = parameters.Input.Id.ToString();
return base.SaveAsync(auditInfo);
The errors are:
cannot convert from 'Abp.Domain.Repositories.IRepository<SixB.Serafina.Auditing.ExtendedAuditInfo, long>' to 'Abp.Domain.Repositories.IRepository<Abp.Auditing.AuditLog, long>'
no suitable method found to override
The procedure above is based on the idea that I found Here
I found the solution based on the official document of How To Extend Existing Entities.
In order to extend the AuditLog
class, inheritance must be used. Therefore a new class, let's say ExtendedAuditInfo
needs to be inherited from AuditLog
public class ExtendedAuditLog : AuditLog
public ExtendedAuditLog()
public ExtendedAuditLog(AuditInfo auditInfo)
this.BrowserInfo = auditInfo.BrowserInfo;
this.ClientIpAddress = auditInfo.ClientIpAddress;
this.ClientName = auditInfo.ClientName;
this.CustomData = auditInfo.CustomData;
this.Exception = auditInfo.Exception?.Message.ToString() + "";
this.ExecutionDuration = auditInfo.ExecutionDuration;
this.ExecutionTime = auditInfo.ExecutionTime;
this.ImpersonatorTenantId = auditInfo.ImpersonatorTenantId;
this.ImpersonatorUserId = auditInfo.ImpersonatorUserId;
this.MethodName = auditInfo.MethodName;
this.Parameters = auditInfo.Parameters;
this.ReturnValue = auditInfo.ReturnValue;
this.ServiceName = auditInfo.ServiceName;
this.TenantId = auditInfo.TenantId;
this.UserId = auditInfo.UserId;
//new properties
This class has to be added to the context and obviously, a new migration needs to be run in order to add the new properties.
public class ProjectDbContext : AbpZeroDbContext<Tenant, Role, User, ProjectDbContext >
/* Define a DbSet for each entity of the application */
public SerafinaDbContext(DbContextOptions<SerafinaDbContext> options)
: base(options)
public virtual DbSet<County> Counties { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<Country> Countries { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<Currency> Currencies { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<OrganisationType> OrganisationTypes { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<ExtendedAuditLog> ExtendedAuditLogs { get; set; }
Finally, in the ExtendedAuditStore class, IRepository<ExtendedAuditLog, long> _extendedAuditLogRepository
has to be injected as a second parameter of the constructor and can be used to insert the extended entity.
public class ExtendedAuditStore : AuditingStore
IRepository<ExtendedAuditLog, long> _extendedAuditLogRepository;
public ExtendedAuditStore(
IRepository<AuditLog, long> auditLogRepository,
IRepository<ExtendedAuditLog, long> extendedAuditLogRepository
: base(auditLogRepository)
_extendedAuditLogRepository = extendedAuditLogRepository;
public override async Task SaveAsync(AuditInfo auditInfo)
if (auditInfo.Exception != null)
await base.SaveAsync(auditInfo);
var auditLog = new ExtendedAuditLog(auditInfo);
//new properties can be set here
await _extendedAuditLogRepository.InsertAsync(auditLog);
Also, instead of inheriting from AuditingStore, a new implementation for IAuditingStore can be created and injected into application services.
Finally, all you need is to replace the default AuditingStore
in StartUp
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IAuditingStore, ExtendedAuditStore>();