I currently don't have any campaigns that have been launched with ACTIVE status in Facebook so whenever I try to query the insights endpoint I receive an empty array of data[] which doesn't allow me to do much.
I would like to know how a response would look for an adset that has been launched with an active status and actually contains insights' data, using a query like this one:
GET graph.facebook.com/v8.0/{adset_id}/insights?date_preset=lifetime&fields=reach,unique_ctr,cpm&access_token={access_token}
I think is that it might look something like this, but I would like to get the exact response structure:
"data": [
"name": "metric_name",
"values": [
"end_time": "some_date_string",
"value": numeric_string,
I've made <adset_id>/insights?date_preset=lifetime&fields=reach,unique_ctr,cpm
Example output:
"data": [
"reach": "12739",
"unique_ctr": "1.420834",
"cpm": "13.740269",
"date_start": "2020-02-25",
"date_stop": "2021-01-28"
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"before": "MAZDZD",
"after": "MAZDZD"