Search code examples

Odd Repetitions of Patterns When Using Rand()

Sample random password/string generator which generates 32 character strings. So, generates random numbers and keep those which are between 33 and 127 as these are the ASCII values which constitute valid text.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main()
    clock_t start = clock();

    long long iterations = 0;

    printf("Generating String...\n\n\t\" ");

    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        long long holder = 0;
        while(holder < 33 || holder > 126)
            holder = rand();

    clock_t end = clock();

    printf(" \"\n\n%.2lf s , %lld iterations & %lld avg\n",(double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,iterations,iterations/32);

    return 0;

Output repeats the string DEX&H1_(okd/YVf8;49=el%<j:@"T,NU in one form or another.

Some Outputs :

Generating String...

    " DEX&H1_(okd/YVf8;49=el%<j:@"T,NU "

9.11 s , 893836506 iterations & 27932390 avg
Generating String...

    " xq?!#O]tDEX&H1_(okd/YVf8;49=el%< "

7.59 s , 768749018 iterations & 24023406 avg
Generating String...

    " MJxq?!#O]tDEX&H1_(okd/YVf8;49=el "

7.63 s , 748742990 iterations & 23398218 avg

Compiled with cc file.c -o file on Clang/macOS.


  • The way you're trying to get random numbers in a range is extremely inefficient. It's also most likely the source of the repetition you're seeing.

    You should instead reduce the number returned to be within the desired range.

    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        int holder = (rand() % (126 - 33 + 1)) + 33;