I have this statement in my View layer
TextEditingController controllerDestino = TextEditingController();
And I want to recover this controllerDestino, to use within a method that is in my Controller layer.
statusUberNaoChamado() {
showBoxAdress = true;
changeMainButton("Chamar", Color(0xFF1ebbd8), () {
callUber("I need pass the controller here");
Thank you in advance for your attention :)
Define/instantiate the TextEditingController as a field inside your GetxController you're using to control your form / implement business logic.
class DestinoFormControllerX extends GetxController {
static DestinoFormControllerX get i => Get.find();
final GlobalKey<FormBuilderState> key = GlobalKey<FormBuilderState>();
// ↓ place the text editing controller inside your... controller :)
var controllerDestino = TextEditingController();
And use the TextEditingController values wherever you need in your GetxController
void resetForm() {
controllerDestino.text = '';
In your View layer, inject your GetxController, and get the text editing controller & access any other methods/fields you need.
class DestinoForm extends StatelessWidget {
final void Function() submitHandler;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final dcx = Get.put(DestinoFormControllerX());
// ↑ inject GetxController, be careful to put *inside* build method
return FormBuilder(
key: dcx.key,
child: Column(
children: [
name: 'destino',
controller: dcx.controllerDestino,
decoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: 'Destino',
Most forms would have Reset & Submit buttons. There you can call methods on your GetxController....
actions: [
child: Text('Reset'),
onPressed: () => DestinoFormControllerX.i.resetForm(),
If you're instantiating / injecting your GetxController in your Form Widget with Get.put()
, do so inside the build
method of your Form Widget.
Otherwise, you'll likely have TextEditingController
s calling setState
on a StatefulWidget (the textfield) that is no longer mounted in the widget tree:
════════ Exception caught by foundation library ════════════════════════════════════════════════════
The following assertion was thrown while dispatching notifications for TextEditingController:
setState() called after dispose(): _FormBuilderTextFieldState#96390(lifecycle state: defunct, not mounted)
class DestinoForm extends StatelessWidget {
final void Function() submitHandler;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final dcx = Get.put(DestinoFormControllerX());
// ↑ inject GetxController, be careful to put *inside* build method
class DestinoForm extends StatelessWidget {
final void Function() submitHandler;
final dcx = Get.put(DestinoFormControllerX());
// ↑ wrong place, DestinoFormControllerX gets linked to previous route
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
More detail on Github, mentioning proper injection / usage of GetX.