With the following I can navigate to /shop/
, /shop/dept1/
, /shop/dept2/
, and see the component I expect to see.
When I try navigating to /shop/dept1/?option=...
, I still only see the DeptOne component, not the PLP component. I'm almost positive I've done something similar to this in the past, but can't seem to replicate it this time.
<Router basepath='/shop'>
<Shop path='/' />
<DeptOne path='/dept1/' />
<DeptTwo path='/dept2/' />
<PLP path='/dept1/*' />
<PLP path='/dept2/*' />
URL query parameters (the key-value pairs after the ?) are not part of the path. So for /shop/dept1/?option=...
the path is still /shop/dept1/
This means that the component for path /shop/dept1/
must handle the query parameters. The query parameters can be accessed in the component via the location
object, which is a prop for Router (https://reactrouter.com/web/api/location).
You could for example make a wrapper component:
const WrapperComponent = ({ match, location }) => {
return (
<DeptOne />
{location.search == ""
? null
: <PLP queryParams={location.search}>
The queryParams
prop is a string that starts with the ?. So if the path is /shop/dept1/?option=...
queryParams will be ?option=...
More info here.