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R group by overlapping ranges

I have a data frame where rows contain ranges. I would like to determine groups of ranges in which each range overlaps for more than 75% with at least one of the other rows in the group. The grouping should be added to the original as an index variable.

Example data is as follows:

df <- data.frame(label = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"),
                 start = c(16, 18, 37, 62, 15, 45),
                 stop = c(22, 24, 55, 66, 23, 55))

The resulting df should look like:

label       start   stop   ID
"A"         6       22     1
"B"         6       24     1
"C"         37      55     2
"D"         62      66     3
"E"         15      23     1
"F"         45      55     2

First I have tried a dplyr option with mutate and lag, but then grouping depends on the order of the rows and will not work in all cases. Next I tried a for loop with seq_along, but I could not manage to solve the problem. Hope one of you can...


  • overlap <- function(A, B) {
      shared <- pmax(0, min(A[2], B[2]) - max(A[1], B[1]))
      max(shared / c(diff(A), diff(B)))
    eg <- expand.grid(a = seq_len(nrow(df)), b = seq_len(nrow(df)))
    eg <- eg[eg$a < eg$b,]
    together <- cbind(
      setNames(df[eg$a,], paste0(names(df), "1")),
      setNames(df[eg$b,], paste0(names(df), "2"))
    together <- within(together, {
      shared  = pmax(0, pmin(stop1, stop2) - pmax(start1, start2))
      overlap = pmax(shared / (stop1 - start1), shared / (stop2 - start2))
    })[, c("label1", "label2", "overlap")]
    bigenough <- together[together$overlap >= 0.75,]
    groups <- split(bigenough$label2, bigenough$label1)
    for (ltr in df$label) {
      ind <- (ltr == names(groups)) | sapply(groups, `%in%`, x = ltr)
      groups <- c(
        setNames(list(unique(c(ltr, names(groups[ind]), unlist(groups[ind])))), ltr),
    groups <- data.frame(
      ID = rep(seq_along(groups), lengths(groups)),
      label = unlist(groups)


    merge(df, groups, by = "label")
    #   label start stop ID
    # 1     A    16   22  2
    # 2     B    18   24  2
    # 3     C    37   55  1
    # 4     D    62   66  3
    # 5     E    15   23  2
    # 6     F    45   55  1

    You asked for a way to do with without a for loop. Since we need one iteration (of the loop) to work with the results of the previous iteration, lapply won't work for us. We can, however, use Reduce:

    # groups <- split(...)
    groups <- Reduce(function(grps, ltr) {
      ind <- (ltr == names(grps)) | sapply(grps, `%in%`, x = ltr)
      c(setNames(list(unique(c(ltr, names(grps[ind]), unlist(grps[ind])))), ltr),
    }, df$label, init = groups)
    # $F
    # [1] "F" "C"
    # $E
    # [1] "E" "B" "A"
    # $D
    # [1] "D"
    # groups <- data.frame(ID = ...)
    # merge(df, groups, ...)

    (and then the final groups <- data.frame(..) call from above). This works just as effectively. The only catch is that Reduce is using for ( :-)