I am working on requirement to read data from DB(from an array(String[] getPersons
) as input) and write it to excel file. I struck with one scenario where in DB, I am having DepartmentID value as 1,2,3 e.t.c. Where 1 is for CSE,2 for ECE,3 for IT e.t.c.
Now, the below code is fetching the numbers for DepartmentId and instead i need to have respective departments for the numbers.
var container = db.GetContainer(containerId);
var q = container.GetItemLinqQueryable<Student>();
var requests = q.Where(p => getStudents.Contains(p.StudentName)).ToFeedIterator();
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(ms);
foreach (var request in requests)
await ms.CopyToAsync(response.FileContent).ConfigureAwait(false);
Please note that, There is no field in DB for DepartmentName(which cannot be added as well) and i need to somehow convert DepartmentId to respective DepartmentNames and then write it to excel. Is there a way to do that? I am open to suggestions. Thanks in Advance!!!
If you have all departments you could always hardcode them if they are not available in another way.
Create a method for translation:
private static string GetDepartmentName(int id)
case 1:
return "CSE";
case 2:
return "ECE";
case 3:
return "IT";
throw new NotImplementedException("No such id!");
Then you can use that in your code:
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(ms);
foreach (var request in requests)
await ms.CopyToAsync(response.FileContent).ConfigureAwait(false);
Then just add all the other departments in the "GetDepartmentName" method.
Hope this works, and if not then please let me know what I missed.