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how to compare bcrypt hash password

I am new to node js, I am trying to validate a password that is encrypted, and I have given the below code which I have tried.

async function passCheck(event) {
  // in event i am passing user entered password and email
  var EnteredPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(event.password, 10); //10 saltrounds

  var fromDB = await pool.query('SELECT password from User WHERE email  = ?', event.emailID);
  if (EnteredPassword == fromDB) {
    //Here i am comparing
  } else {


  • bcrypt has a built-in method for comparing hashes.

    async function passCheck(event) {
      var fromDB = await pool.query('SELECT password from User WHERE email  = ? Limit 1', event.emailID);
      // --------------------------------------------------------------------------^
      // Added limit 1 to make sure the only one record will be returned.
      if (fromDB.length > 0 && await, fromDB[0].password)) {
        //Here i am comparing
      } else {

    DB result sets usually returns an array of objects, therefore, you should check that there are some results (fromDB.length > 0) and then pass to the compare method the hashed string itself.