I'm trying the request below. Filtering users by their servicePlanId in assignedPlans property, trying to filter "Phone System" plan.
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=assignedPlans/any(x:x/servicePlanId eq 4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7)
And receiving the error message given below inside response body.
"message": "Complex query on property assignedPlans is not supported.",
MS-Graph-Explorer link How can i filter users in this way? And is there any way i can achieve this using ms-graph-java-sdk?
That's a limitation of the current APIs. There a newer engine that allows for more complex queries. To access it you need to add the ConsistencyLevel
header with the value eventual
and add $count=true
as a query parameter.