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Reverse a column in postgres

So I have a table in SQL server that is defined as such

create table test(value varchar(200), Reverse(value) as valueReverse);

now when I insert something in this table lets say I insert the string hello, it will store the value in the table as such.

value | valueReverse
hello | olleh

I am trying to convert the table into PostgreSQL however the reverse() function is not working and it's giving me errors. What is the correct way to create this table in postgres?


  • For PostgreSQL 12 and above

    If you are using Postgres 12 or higher then you can use GENERATED ALWAYS AS for the column valueReverse like below: Manual

    create table test(value varchar(200),
    valueReverse varchar(200) generated always as (reverse(value)) STORED );


    For PostgreSQL 11 or below

    For earlier version you can use Triggers like below.

    Creating Trigger Function

    create or replace function trig_reverse() returns trigger as
    return new;
    language plpgsql

    Creating Trigger

    create trigger trig_rev 
    before insert or update on test 
    for each row 
    execute procedure trig_reverse();
