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Back4App delete associated objects script. Similar to AWS lambda

I have an Employee class and Salary class.

Salary class has a pointer to Employee class. Employee does not have salaries pointers. But I can extend if needed.

When I remove Employee record I would like to remove associated Salary with it. Is this possible to do via some Back4App script or function?

Or there is just a way to do it via client code. I understand that I can create a query to remove Salary where employee is needed pointer:

let query = PFQuery(className: "Salary")
query.whereKey("employee", equalTo: pfEmployeeObjectReference)

query.findObjectsInBackground { (objects, error) in
//... skip cycle here


  • For your use-case, I recommend using the afterDelete Trigger of Employee class. To read more about triggers visit the following link:

    So your after delete trigger code should look something like this:

    Parse.Cloud.afterDelete("Employee", (request) => {
      //This is the deleted object      
      var deletedObject = request.object
      //Fetching the Salary object associated with the Employee object
      var salaryObj = await deletedObject.fetch("pointer_to_salary")
      //Deleting the salary object
      await salaryObj.destroy({useMasterKey:true});