I am trying to set HTTP status for NotFound
component. My 404 component:
import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import styles from './index.module.scss';
const Status = ({ code, children }) => (
render={({ staticContext }) => {
if (staticContext) staticContext.status = code;
return children;
const NotFoundContainer = () => (
<Status code={404}>
<div className={styles.error}>
Oops! We can’t seem to find the page you are looking for.
export default NotFoundContainer;
My <App />
has routes defined as:
<Route path='/about' component={About} />
<Route component={NotFound} />
I also have an SSR piece:
export default (req, res) => {
frontloadServerRender(() =>
<Loadable.Capture report={m => modules.push(m)}>
<Provider store={store}>
<StaticRouter location={req.url} context={context}>
<Frontload isServer={true}>
<App />
).then(routeMarkup => {
if (context.url) {
// If context has a url property, then we need to handle a redirection in Redux Router
res.writeHead(302, {
Location: context.url
} else {
// Otherwise, we carry on...
const extractAssets = (assets, chunks) =>
I understood that this should be sufficient, SSR would return the correct status. However, I am not seeing it:
server listening on port 3000!
GET /sockjs-node 200 23.735 ms - -
GET /manifest.json 304 1.312 ms - -
GET /manifest.json 304 0.411 ms - -
GET /xxx 200 3.267 ms - -
GET /static/css/main.e6d4082b.chunk.css 304 0.689 ms - -
GET /static/js/2.90014d69.chunk.js 304 1.589 ms - -
GET /static/js/main.5d98d504.chunk.js 304 1.037 ms - -
GET /manifest.json 304 1.244 ms - -
GET /icons/favicon.ico 200 3.814 ms - -
GET /xxx
should be returning 404
, yet I get 200
. What am I missing?
I was missing the last piece of code to make this work, below:
if (context.status === 404) {
// We have all the final HTML, let's send it to the user already!
Before we send the final response, we need to check the context status and set the status on the response when necessary, as above.