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Gradient descent for ridge regression

I'm trying to write a code that return the parameters for ridge regression using gradient descent. Ridge regression is defined as

enter image description here

Where, L is the loss (or cost) function. w are the parameters of the loss function (which assimilates b). x are the data points. y are the labels for each vector x. lambda is a regularization constant. b is the intercept parameter (which is assimilated into w). So, L(w,b) = number

The gradient descent algorithm that I should implement looks like this:

enter image description here

Where ∇ is the gradient of L with respect to w. η

is a step size. t is the time or iteration counter.

enter image description here

My code:

def ridge_regression_GD(x,y,C):
    x=np.insert(x,0,1,axis=1) # adding a feature 1 to x at beggining nxd+1
    w=np.zeros(len(x[0,:])) # d+1
    summ = np.zeros(1)
    grad = np.zeros(1)
    losses = np.array([0])
    loss_stry = 0
    while eta > 2**-30:
        for i in range(0,len(y)): # here we calculate the summation for all rows for loss and gradient
        summ = np.zeros(1)
        loss_stry = 0
    return w,b,losses

The output should be the intercept parameter b, the vector w and the loss in each iteration, losses.

My problem is that when I run the code I get increasing values for w and for the losses, both in the order of 10^13.

Would really appreciate if you could help me out. If you need any more information or clarification just ask for it.

NOTE: This post was deleted from Cross Validated forum. If there's a better forum to post it please let me know.


  • After I check your code, turns out your implementation of Ridge regression is correct, the problem of increasing values for w which led to increasing losses you get is due to extreme and unstable update value of parameters (i.e abs(eta*grad) is too big), so I adjust the learning rate and weights decay rate to appropriate range and change the way you decay the learning rate then everything work as expected:

    import numpy as np
    sample_num = 100
    x_dim = 10
    x = np.random.rand(sample_num, x_dim)
    w_tar = np.random.rand(x_dim)
    b_tar = np.random.rand(1)[0]
    y = np.matmul(x, np.transpose([w_tar])) + b_tar
    C = 1e-6
    def ridge_regression_GD(x,y,C):
        x = np.insert(x,0,1,axis=1) # adding a feature 1 to x at beggining nxd+1
        x_len = len(x[0,:])
        w = np.zeros(x_len) # d+1
        t = 0
        eta = 3e-3
        summ = np.zeros(x_len)
        grad = np.zeros(x_len)
        losses = np.array([0])
        loss_stry = 0
        for i in range(50):
            for i in range(len(y)): # here we calculate the summation for all rows for loss and gradient
                summ = summ + (y[i,] -, x[i,])) * x[i,]
                loss_stry += (y[i,] -, x[i,]))**2
            losses = np.insert(losses, len(losses), loss_stry + C *, w))
            grad = -2 * summ + * C,w)
            w -= eta * grad
            eta *= 0.9
            t += 1
            summ = np.zeros(1)
            loss_stry = 0
        return w[1:], w[0], losses
    w, b, losses = ridge_regression_GD(x, y, C)
    print("losses: ", losses)
    print("b: ", b)
    print("b_tar: ", b_tar)
    print("w: ", w)
    print("w_tar", w_tar)
    x_pre = np.random.rand(3, x_dim)
    y_tar = np.matmul(x_pre, np.transpose([w_tar])) + b_tar
    y_pre = np.matmul(x_pre, np.transpose([w])) + b
    print("y_pre: ", y_pre)
    print("y_tar: ", y_tar)


    losses: [   0 1888 2450 2098 1128  354   59    5    1    1    1    1    1    1
        1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
        1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
        1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1]
    b:  1.170527138363387
    b_tar:  0.894306608050021
    w:  [0.7625987  0.6027163  0.58350218 0.49854847 0.52451963 0.59963663
     0.65156702 0.61188389 0.74257133 0.67164963]
    w_tar [0.82757802 0.76593551 0.74074476 0.37049698 0.40177269 0.60734677
     0.72304859 0.65733725 0.91989305 0.79020028]
    y_pre:  [[3.44989377]
    y_tar:  [[3.32865041]

    As you can see from losses change at outputs, the learning rate eta = 3e-3 is still bit two much, so the loss will go up at first few training episode, but start to drop when learning rate decay to appropriate value.