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Split KQL array into multiple columns

I'm trying to build a dashboard in Azure Sentinel's workbook. One of the columns is a JSON Array of varying length. I'd like to split that array so that each element in the array becomes its own column, but I can't figure out a good way to do that. Basically I want this

Company | products
Apple     | [iMac, iPhone, iPad]
Microsoft | [xBox, xBox 360]
Google    | [Chromebook]

To become

Company | product_1 | product_2 | product_3
Apple | iMac        |iPhone     |iPad
Microsoft | xBox    |xBox 360   |
Google | Chromebook |           |


  • not highly-efficient, but here's an option:

    datatable(company:string, products:dynamic)
        "Apple",     dynamic(['iMac', 'iPhone', 'iPad']),
        "Microsoft", dynamic(['xBox', 'xBox 360']),
        "Google",    dynamic(['Chromebook']),
    | mv-apply with_itemindex=i products on (
        extend p = pack(strcat("product_", i+1), products)
        | summarize b = make_bag(p)
    | evaluate bag_unpack(b)
    | project-reorder company, product* asc


    | company   | product_1  | product_2 | product_3 |
    | Apple     | iMac       | iPhone    | iPad      |
    | Microsoft | xBox       | xBox 360  |           |
    | Google    | Chromebook |           |           |