PCRE Regex: Is it possible for Regex to check for a pattern match within only the first X characters of a string, ignoring other parts of the string beyond that point?
I have a Regex:
This checks the string for non-whitespace characters whoich have a trailing 'V' and then a whitespace character or the end of the string.
This works. For example:
Example A:
SEBSTI FMDE OPORV AWEN STEM students into STEM // Match found in 'OPORV' (correct)
Example B:
ARKFE SSETE BLMI EDSF BRNT CARFR (name removed) Academy Networking Event //Match not found (correct).
Re: The capitalised text each letter and the letters placement has a meaning in the source data. This is followed by generic info for humans to read ("Academy Networking Event", etc.)
It can theoretically occur that sometimes there are names that involve roman numerals such as:
Example C:
ARKFE SSETE BLME CARFR Academy IV Networking Event //Match found (incorrect).
I would like my Regex above to only check the first X characters of the string.
Can this be done in PCRE Regex itself? I can't find any reference to length counting in Regex and I suspect this can't easily be achieved. String lengths are completely arbitary. (We have no control over the source data).
/\S+V\s*/{check within first 25 characters only}
ARKFE SSETE BLME CARFR Academy IV Networking Event ^ \- Cut off point. Not found so far so stop. //Match not found (correct).
The Regex is in PHP and my current solution is to cut the string in PHP, to only check the first X characters, typically the first 20 characters, but I was curious if there was a way of doing this within the Regex without needing to manipulate the string directly in PHP?
$valueSubstring = substr($coreRow['value'],0,20); /* first 20 characters only */
$virtualCount = preg_match_all('/\S+V\s*/',$valueSubstring);
You can find your pattern after X chars and skip the whole string, else, match your pattern. So, if X=25:
See the regex demo. Details:
- start of string, 25 or more chars other than line break chars, as many as possible, then one or more non-whitespaces and V
, and then the rest of the string, the match is failed and skipped|
- or\S+V\s*
- match one or more non-whitespaces, V
and zero or more whitespace chars.