Search code examples

How to see what various control characters are as sent by my keyboard

Usually I will use xxd to see what characters I type translate to in hex. For example:

$ xxd

00000000: 0a68 656c 6c6f 0a                        .hello.

However, how would I do the same for:

  • Ctrlz
  • Ctrld
  • Ctrlc

It seems when I enter either of these three it 'does something' outside the xxd program, rather than being recognized as a keyboard input for which I want to see the hex codes. So how can I see those values sent by my keyboard for all character combinations?


  • In the command line console, you can enter codes like Ctrl-Z by first entering Ctrl-V.

    So for example, if you type in the following:

    xxd <<<'Ctrl-VCtrl-A'

    Then you should see the following output:

    00000000: 010a                                     ..

    (where, as I'm sure you realise, the 01 corresponds to ^A and 0a is the line break that comes after it)

    On an ANSI terminal, you can enter escape codes in this way too. For example, type in this:

    echo 'Ctrl-VEsc[1;31mHelloCtrl-VEsc[0m world'

    to print one word in bright red and another in the default colour.