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How to change heart ( wishlist icon ) color when clicked in ReactJS?

How can I change the color of my icon when it's clicked and the color remains the same after clicking. It will not change their state.

  import {RiHeart3Fill} from 'react-icons/ri';
  import './Details.scss';

  <div className="details__info">
                        <div className="details__incDec">
                            <span className="dec" onClick={decQuantity}><BsDash /></span>
                            <span className="quantity">{quantity}</span>
                            <span className="inc" onClick={() => setQuantity(quantity + 1)}><BsPlus /></span>
                            ? <button  style={{outline: 'none',fontFamily: "'Comfortaa', cursive"}} className="btn-default"  onClick={cartData}>add to cart</button>
                            : <button  style={{outline: 'none',fontFamily: "'Comfortaa', cursive"}} className="btn-default" onClick={signUpToBuy}>add to cart</button>
                            ?   <RiHeart3Fill className="heart"/>
                            :   <RiHeart3Fill className="heart"/>


   font-size: 35px;
   color:rgb(182, 173, 173);
   margin-top: 7px;
    width: 70px;
    outline: none;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    cursor: pointer;
    font-weight: bold;
        color: rgb(192, 39, 39);


  • first, for the Icons condition, you have it if your condition is true or false so having the condition is redundant

      <RiHeart3Fill className="heart"/>

    Then if you wanted to change the icon color you would basically need to create a function to modify the state like the following if: you are using a class component it would be like this:

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
      toggleHeart = false
    this.changeColor= this.changeCoor.bind(this);
        changeColor = () =>{
         this.setState({toggleHeart: !toggleHeart})
        }`enter code here`
        <RiHeart3Fill className={
                this.state.toggleHeart ? 'heart active' : 'heart'
              } onClick={changeColor}/>

    for a functional component, it will be almost similar:

    const  [toggleHeart, setToggleHeart] = useState(false)
        changeColor = useCallback(() =>{
        <RiHeart3Fill className={
                toggleHeart ? 'heart active' : 'heart'
              } onClick={changeColor}/>

    and in the scss file you will have some thing like this:

       font-size: 35px;
       color:rgb(182, 173, 173);
       margin-top: 7px;
        width: 70px;
        outline: none;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        cursor: pointer;
        font-weight: bold;
            color: rgb(192, 39, 39);
       &.active {
        color: ///color when active