I am developing a react-native app. I am using Mixpanel as analytics tool. I want to run a campaign to increase users of app and at the same time I want to track the users journey(from click to campaign link to onboarding in app). I integrated Branch.io for this purpose. I created a quick link to run a campaign.
I have following understanding regarding Branch events:
After successful completing all steps as per documentation from here. I have few issues :
Here's the correct definition of Branch Events:
: A user-initiated action of tapping on a Branch link or HTML element directly in front of a Branch link
: This is the first time an app launches for a given IDFA/AAID. Basically the first app open is treated as an Install event.
: A mobile app launch that is not an install (ie all the subsequent app opens post the first time app launch). An "open" ends when an app is backgrounded or closed.
: For a particular device with unique identifiers values remaining constant, the Install instance once recorded and attributed cannot be re-attributed as Install since the Install Event would only occur once per device. Any subsequent install instances after the user uninstall the app would
be counted as Re-installs provided the Branch SDK was present within the App Code at both the times (At Install and also Re-install).
Coming back to the issues which you are facing-
to MixPanel. Please reference this doc.organic
, it denotes unattributed events. These events are not driven from a Branch Link click, which is one of the reasons you may observe fewer clicks than the sum of Installs + Opens.