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react-nativeanalyticsbranch.iomixpanel :: Not getting CLICK branch event on Mixpanel LiveView

I am developing a react-native app. I am using Mixpanel as analytics tool. I want to run a campaign to increase users of app and at the same time I want to track the users journey(from click to campaign link to onboarding in app). I integrated for this purpose. I created a quick link to run a campaign.

I have following understanding regarding Branch events:

  1. CLICK : An event that will be recorded when end user tap on a quick link.
  2. INSTALL : An event that will be recorded when end user tap on 'install' at playstore or appstore to install app.
  3. OPEN : An event that will be recorded when end user first time opened app after installation.
  4. REINSTALL : An event that will be recorded when end user uninstalled and reinstalled app later using same quick link.

After successful completing all steps as per documentation from here. I have few issues :

  1. I am getting INSTALL, OPEN and REINSTALL as recorded events on LiveView of Mixpanel but I am not getting CLICK.
  2. I am getting INSTALL and OPEN events not in order. Sometime OPEN is showing before INSTALL and sometimes INSTALL before OPEN.
  3. As CLICK->INSTALL->OPEN is sequence then why sum of INSTALL and OPEN is more than CLICK?? Please refer below screenshot.

enter image description here


  • Here's the correct definition of Branch Events:

    CLICK: A user-initiated action of tapping on a Branch link or HTML element directly in front of a Branch link

    INSTALL: This is the first time an app launches for a given IDFA/AAID. Basically the first app open is treated as an Install event.

    OPEN: A mobile app launch that is not an install (ie all the subsequent app opens post the first time app launch). An "open" ends when an app is backgrounded or closed.

    REINSTALL: For a particular device with unique identifiers values remaining constant, the Install instance once recorded and attributed cannot be re-attributed as Install since the Install Event would only occur once per device. Any subsequent install instances after the user uninstall the app would be counted as Re-installs provided the Branch SDK was present within the App Code at both the times (At Install and also Re-install).

    Coming back to the issues which you are facing-

    1. Branch doesn't send Clicks to MixPanel. Please reference this doc.
    2. There is no specific order which is being followed here. Branch Dashboard analytics shows the data as per when the event is recorded.
    3. When you check organic, it denotes unattributed events. These events are not driven from a Branch Link click, which is one of the reasons you may observe fewer clicks than the sum of Installs + Opens.