Search code examples

dijit.form.FilteringSelect with substring search

dijit.form.FilteringSelect is close to what I need. I've tried lots of ways to do what I want, but being a dijit beginner I never know if I'm even going in the right direction.

When I start typing in a FilteringSelect, I only see the options starting with what I typed. Like a query on value + "*"
What I need is to see any option that has what I type anywhere. Like a query on "*" + value + "*"

So if there is "Apple", "Banana" and "Orange", and I type "e", I should see "Apple" and "Orange". If possible, with the search string emphasized: "Apple", "Orange"

I think I need some clever data storage, but anywhere I go looks like a dead end. Am I missing something, or should I do this in a completely different way?


  • You want to use the queryExpr attribute:

    var f = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
     queryExpr: "*${0}*",
    }, node);

    Notice the * before and after the ${0}.