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ScopedContextData VS LocalContextData VS ContextData in Hot Chocolate

What are the differences between ScopedContextData, LocalContextData, and ContextData, in Hot Chocolate?


  • ContextData:

    This is the global context data. This data is accessible for all resolvers in this request.

    You can set it with:

        .SetContextData("foo", "bar");

    if you need access to the HTTP Context:

        public class CustomInterceptor : DefaultHttpRequestInterceptor
            public override ValueTask OnCreateAsync(
                HttpContext context,
                IRequestExecutor requestExecutor,
                IQueryRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                requestBuilder.AddProperty("foo", "bar");
                return base.OnCreateAsync(context, requestExecutor, requestBuilder, cancellationToken);


    Is available for the whole subtree of this resolver This is a immutable that can be modified in resolvers or middlewares via the context:

    context.ScopedContextData = context.ScopedContextData.SetItem("foo","bar");


    Is only available inside the resolver pipeline. This can be used to communicate between middlewares.This is a immutable that can be modified in resolvers or middlewares via the context:

    context.LocalContextData = context.LocalContextData.SetItem("foo","bar");