I have the following XML file :
<Configuration .... status="INFO" >
<property name="logfile">/var/log/app.log</property>
<property name="log-level">INFO</property>
I'm trying to replace the INFO in the log-level property to DEBUG.
[root]# xmlstarlet edit --update "/Configuration/properties/property[@name='log-level']/@value" --value DEBUG test.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Configuration status="INFO">
<property name="logfile">/var/log/app.log</property2>
<property name="log-level">INFO</property>
The output in stdout is exactly the same as the orig file, nothing is changed.
I tried to search for the XPath to make sure that I used the right one and it worked :
[root]# xmlstarlet sel -t -v "count(Configuration/properties/property[@name='log-level'])" test.xml
I tried also to change the @name instead of the @value and it worked.
What am I missing ? Why the output(in stdout) isn't changed ?
Input file :
<Configuration status="INFO" >
<property name="logfile">/var/log/app.log</property2>
<property name="log-level">INFO</property>
to make sure that your XPATH is the right one you can use the following command :
[root@]# xmlstarlet el test.xml
After you have chosen the right XPath, in order to change the value of the attribute, you need to run :
[root]# xmlstarlet edit --update "/Configuration/properties/property[@name='log-level']" --value "DEBUG" test.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Configuration status="INFO">
<property name="logfile">/var/log/app.log</property2>
<property name="log-level">DEBUG</property>
No need to specify /@value like I did in the question. If you want to change the name of a specific attribute, you should specify /@attribute_name in the end of the XPath, for example :
[root]# xmlstarlet edit --update "/Configuration/properties/property[@name='log-level']/@name" --value "DEBUG" test.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Configuration status="INFO">
<property name="logfile">/var/log/app.log</property2>
<property name="DEBUG">INFO</property>