I have read on many forums that if we want to develop a LiDAR application, we need to use RealityKit
, instead of SceneKit
. I am in the middle of development of Apple LiDAR Tutorial. But instead of using RealityKit, I used SceneKit. But now I got a problem since SceneKit doesn't offer sceneUnderstanding
feature to render graphics. So I want to know basically:
feature using SceneKit?sceneUnderstanding
?Really appreciate your answers and comments. Thank you.
You can use scene understanding with any renderer. But only RealityKit
comes with integration for this feature.
The ARWorldTrackingConfiguration
comes with a sceneReconstruction
flag that can be enabled.
Then, ARKit
creates ARMeshAnchor
instances for you in the ARSessionDelegate
and ARSCNViewDelegate
However, because SceneKit
does not come with an out-of-the box support for these features you would have to build a visualization or physics interaction yourself based on the ARMeshAncor