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Google AdManager - PHP Client causing PublisherQueryLanguageSyntaxError.UNPARSABLE error

I am using this PHP lib to fetch impressions and revenue from Google AdManager. Everything works fine, until I add following code to exclude certain LINE_ITEMS.

$excluded_keywords = ["abc", "xyz"];
if (count($excluded_keywords) > 0) {
    $statementBuilder->where('LINE_ITEM_NAME NOT IN (:names)')

The whole SOAP request looks like below but it give PublisherQueryLanguageSyntaxError.UNPARSABLE error from the API. Please suggest what am I doing wrong here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="">
         <ns1:applicationName>my-app-name (DfpApi-PHP, googleads-php-lib/50.0.1, PHP/7.4.4)</ns1:applicationName>
                  <ns1:query>WHERE LINE_ITEM_NAME NOT IN (:names) LIMIT 0 OFFSET 0</ns1:query>
                     <ns1:value xsi:type="ns1:SetValue">
                        <ns1:values xsi:type="ns1:TextValue">
                        <ns1:values xsi:type="ns1:TextValue">


  • With the help from, I was able to solve this issue. The solution was not to use withBindVariableValue and also use single quotes around values as shown below:

    $excluded_keywords = ["abc", "xyz"];
    if (count($excluded_keywords) > 0) {
        $str = "'" . implode("','", $excluded_keywords) . "'";
        $statementBuilder->where('NOT LINE_ITEM_NAME IN (' . $str . ')');