I have a code in my repository which has to call two endpoints. I have used Flowable.zip() but it doesn't seem to return a value. The Call doesn't fail even if there is no network available.
fun fetchRateRemote(): Flowable<ResultWrapper<List<RateModel>>> {
return Flowable.zip<Flowable<CurrenciesDTO>, Flowable<RateDTO>, ResultWrapper<List<RateModel>>>(
}, {
}, { t1, t2 ->
val rateList = mutableListOf<RateModel>()
t2.subscribe { rate->
for((k,v) in rate.quotes ){
val currency = k.removeRange(0,3)
t1.subscribe {cur->
val currencyName = cur.currencies[currency]
if (currencyName != null) {
rateList.add(RateModel("$currencyName ($currency)", v.toString()))
I use a wrapper to mimic state and this is what I do in my viewmodel.
private fun fetchRates(){
.onErrorReturn {
.subscribeWith(object : DisposableSubscriber<ResultWrapper<List<RateModel>>>() {
override fun onComplete() {}
override fun onNext(rate: ResultWrapper<List<RateModel>>) {
override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
I then observe rate in my activity via LiveData. The wrapper or the observation isn't the issue. It works with other calls, I do not know why the zip call doesn't work. I'm fairly new to RxJava so If I didn't implement something correctly in my repository please help correct me.
Okay! I made a lot of mistakes with the code in the repository above but I managed to fix it. Here's the solution. The Type arguments for the zip method was wrong! I didn't call the BiFunction argument properly too.
fun fetchRateRemote(): Flowable<ResultWrapper<List<RateModel>>> {
return Flowable.zip<CurrenciesDTO, RateDTO, ResultWrapper<List<RateModel>>>(
apiEndpoints.fetchCurrencies(key), apiEndpoints.fetchRate(key), BiFunction { t1, t2 ->
val rateList = mutableListOf<RateModel>()
for((k,v) in t2.quotes ){
val currencyCode = k.removeRange(0,3)
val currencyName = t1.currencies[currencyCode]
if (currencyName != null) {
rateList.add(RateModel("$currencyName ($currencyCode)", v.toString()))