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Need help on like/dislike voting system

I'd like to get some help to build a like/dislike sorting algorithm to find the best entries. I thought about a way to do it, but there are two major flaws with this method and I'd like to know if there's any better way.

Here's how I thought about doing it:

The entries would be sorted by the ratio given by l/d where l = number of likes and d = number of dislikes, so that those with a higher ratio have a bigger likes count and deserve a higher up place than those with a low ratio.

There are two issues with this method:

1: if the number of dislikes is 0 the l/d will be impossible. So even if an entry has a thousand of likes and 0 dislikes it still won't get any place into the scoreboard.

2: entries with a low amount of likes and dislikes are at an advantage in comparison with those with many ratings since it takes a low amount of ratings to influence the ratio and give the entry a good score.

What do you think?

EDIT: Here's a possible alternative that fixes the 1st issue: (l + 1) / (d + 1). Any feedback on this one?


  • This might be relevant: How Not To Sort By Average Rating.