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Laravel Lighthouse Where to place non root field resolvers?

In the example in the documentation of lighthouse they give a example method for resolving non-root fields.


use App\Models\User;

function resolveUserId(User $user): string
    return $user->name; // test...

So my guess is that lighthouse will search for a resolveUser{Field} method, and call it if it exists. But where do I place the method? there's no class name or namespace in the example.

type Query @guard(with: ["api"]) { me: User! @auth }

type User {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    email: String!
    posts (content_contains: [String]): [Post!]! @hasMany #Would like to be able to resolve content_contains somehow...
    created_at: DateTime!
    updated_at: DateTime!

Documentation URL:


  • Are you wanting to use @field, for example? It can be just any class, with any namespace. Just be sure to explicit it. For example, in app/Graphql/UserPostsResolver.php you can have a class with a handle function. So in your schema you would use posts: [Post!] @field(resolver: "App\\Graphql\\UserPostsResolver@handle")