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Connecting input sentences with overlapping words

The task is to connect the input sentences which are overlapping. My problem is how to remove the overlapping parts properly.

Input: first line is number of sentences to be connected. Next following lines are sentences. Output: connected sentence



The harder you work for something, the
something, the greater you?ll feel when you achieve it.


The harder you work for something, the greater you?ll feel when you achieve it.

My code:

def connect(sentence1,sentence2):
  x= None
  y= None
  for i in range(len(sentence2)):
    if sentence2[:len(sentence2)-i] in sentence1 and len(sentence2[:len(sentence2)-i]) != 1:
        y =(sentence1+' '+sentence2[len(sentence2)-i:].strip())
        x =True
  return x,y
n = int(input())
lst = []
for i in range(n):
  a = input()
for i in lst:
  for j in lst:
    if i ==j:
    elif True in connect(i,j):

Input 1:

The fool doth think he is wise,
wise man knows himself to be a fool.
wise, but the wise

Output 1: incorrect

The fool doth think he is wise, man knows himself to be a fool. but the wise

Expected output 1:

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

Input 2:

afraid of greatness.
Be not afraid
some achieve greatness,
greatness thrust upon them.
greatness. Some
Some are born great, some
greatness, and others have greatness

Output 2: error

line 21, in 
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

Expected output 2:

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.


  • You need to keep track of the length of the overlap (either end-start or start-end) in order to cut the appropriate number of characters from one of the parts that you concatenate:

    sentences = """afraid of greatness.
    Be not afraid
    some achieve greatness,
    greatness thrust upon them.
    greatness. Some
    Some are born great, some
    greatness, and others have greatness""".split("\n")
    result = sentences.pop(0) # start with any part, and take it out
    while sentences:
        for s in list(sentences):
            atEnd   = next((p for p in range(1,len(s)) if result[-p:]==s[:p]),0)
            if atEnd:                        # length of overlapping end-start
                result = result + s[atEnd:]  # append to end, cut starting overlap
            atStart = next((p for p in range(1,len(s)) if result[:p]==s[-p:]),0)
            if atStart:                      # length of overlapping start-end
                result = s[:-atStart]+result # insert at start, cut ending overlap
    Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.