My origin table includes url_id and SQL [standard sql, string]
I would like to run each of the SQL statements in the string column "SQL" and join the outcome with the correspondent url_id
expected outcome
to make this easy to reproduce I´ve imported a similar schema from public BQ:
if I run
select string_agg(
format('select %i as url_id, (%s) as simpleSKU', url_id, sql),
' union all ' )
FROM `xxx.staging.test_query
Consider below
execute immediate (
select 'select url_id, region_name from (' || string_agg(
format('select %i as url_id, array(%s) as region_names', url_id, sql),
' union all '
) || '), unnest(region_names) as region_name'
from your_table
if applied to sample data in your question - output it