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Resetting Django Migrations in a Production System

I have been through a lot of posts/articles/trial-and-error involving Django Migrations since I started working with the framework a few years ago, so I decided I would post a self-answered question notating the proper way to accomplish the clean reset of migrations in a Production Database leaving you with the same database structure you left with, but a fresh start with initial migrations.

Overall the issue is this:

When you have a larger project you start to accumulate a large number of migrations for a system built with Django. This isn't normally an issue, but when you start accumulating upwards of 50-100 migration files (where a lot of them are the addition and removal of the same fields) it is nice to have a "cleaning" option as it should be well understood that if you alter migration history incorrectly, you will be left with a system that is more-or-less frozen in a previous database state where the only way to fix the issue is manual sql-based migration changes.


  • The solution I have come up with for this issue comes in steps:

    Step 1 Create migrations to delete any models or fields you want and run them locally, your dev system must be in sync with all other developer systems as well as production...if this is not the case you need to ensure it is!

    Step 2

    1. Delete the local migration files (a good option is a change of the command I have below, I currently have a directory structure with my applications for my system in a directory called /apps/)

    Run calling python delete_local_migration_files (if you name it that way)

    import os
    import django.apps
    from django.conf import settings
    from import BaseCommand
    def delete_migrations(app):
        print(f"Deleting {app}'s migration files")
        migrations_dir = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, f'apps{os.path.sep}{app}{os.path.sep}migrations')
        if os.path.exists(migrations_dir):
            for the_file in os.listdir(migrations_dir):
                file_path = os.path.join(migrations_dir, the_file)
                    if os.path.isfile(file_path):
                except Exception as e:
                f = open(f"{os.path.join(migrations_dir, '')}", "w")
            print('-' * 20, migrations_dir, 'does not exist')
    class Command(BaseCommand):
        Resets migrations and clears directories
        help = 'reset migrations'
        def handle(self, *args, **options):
            set_of_apps = set()
            disregard = []
            # get all apps
            for model in django.apps.apps.get_models():
                if model._meta.app_label not in disregard:
            for app in set_of_apps:

    Step 3

    1. Delete the migrations from the database (you can use the command below, it should work universally for any setup that uses Postgres but you will have to update the connection string as needed)

    Run calling python delete_migrations_from_db (if you name it that way)

    import os
    import psycopg2
    from django.conf import settings
    from import call_command
    from import BaseCommand
    from django.db import connections
    class Command(BaseCommand):
        help = 'Migrate on every database in'
        def handle(self, *args, **options):
            db_list = settings.DATABASES
            # del db_list['default']
            for db, _ in db_list.items():
                # we have the db name, now lets remove the migration tables in each
                    host = os.environ['_HOST']
                    user = os.environ['_USER']
                    port = os.environ['_PORT']
                    password = os.environ['_PASSWORD']
                    conn_str = f"host={host} port={port} user={user} password={password}"
                    conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_str)
                    conn.autocommit = True
                    with connections[db].cursor() as cursor:
                        delete_statement = 'DELETE from public.django_migrations'
                        print(f'Migration table cleared: {db}')
                except psycopg2.Error as ex:
                    raise SystemExit(f'Error: {ex}')

    Step 4 Call python makemigrations to reinitialize the initial migration files

    Step 5 Call python migrate --database=[YourDB] --fake to reinitialize the initial migration files. The --fake arg allows the DB structure to not be changed while the history is restored in the Database (if you want an easy command for running this migration command in all DBs, you can use something like the code below)

    Called using python migrate_all --fake (depending on naming)

    from django.conf import settings
    from import call_command
    from import BaseCommand
    class Command(BaseCommand):
        help = 'Migrate on every database in'
        def add_arguments(self, parser):
                help='fake migrations',
        def handle(self, *args, **options):
            db_list = settings.DATABASES
            for db, _ in db_list.items():
                self.stdout.write('Migrating database {}'.format(db))
                if options['fake']:
                    call_command('migrate', '--fake', database=db)
                    # no fake, call regularly
                    call_command('migrate', database=db)