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gcloud command to display vCPU's and Memory assigned to Instances

How to list vCPU's and Memory assigned to instances using glcoud compute instances list command. I was able to frame the below command, but it's not showing any value. I know machine type has all the info required info to map, I am looking for a command which displays vCPU's and memory

gcloud compute instances list --format="value(name,machineType,items[].scheduling.minNodeCpus,zone,disks[].type,disks[].diskSizeGb.list())"

TestVM  custom-4-32768-ext              us-central1-a   PERSISTENT      200
TestVM1 custom-4-32768-ext              us-central1-a   PERSISTENT      400

I was looking for something like

TestVM  custom-4-32768-ext     8  32GB    us-central1-a   PERSISTENT      200
TestVM1 custom-4-32768-ext     4  16GB    us-central1-a   PERSISTENT      200


  • There are a couple of challenges:

    • instances describe works best with the instance name and zone
    • machine-types describe is needed (!?) to get CPU|RAM for non-custom
    • custom machine types are self-describing

    On Linux|Bash, here's the basic info:

    # Get instance name,zone for `${PROJECT}
    for PAIR in $(\
      gcloud compute instances list \
      --project=${PROJECT} \
      # Parse result from above into instance and zone vars
      IFS=, read INSTANCE ZONE <<< ${PAIR}
      # Get the machine type value only
        gcloud compute instances describe ${INSTANCE} \
        --project=${PROJECT} \
        --zone=${ZONE} \
      # If it's custom-${vCPUs}-${RAM} we've sufficient info
      if [[ ${MACHINE_TYPE}} == custom* ]]
        IFS=- read CUSTOM CPU MEM <<< ${MACHINE_TYPE}
        printf "%s: vCPUs: %s; Mem: %s\n" ${INSTANCE} ${CPU} ${MEM}
        # Otherwise, we need to call `machine-types describe`
          gcloud compute machine-types describe ${MACHINE_TYPE} \
          --project=${PROJECT} \
          --zone=${ZONE} \
        IFS=, read CPU MEM <<< ${CPU_MEMORY}
        printf "%s: vCPUs: %s; Mem: %s\n" ${INSTANCE} ${CPU} ${MEM}

    I'll leave it to you to combine with the instances describe data as you wish.

    There is undoubtedly another (and possibly better) way to do this.