i have two tables:
id round league_id home_team_id away_team_id match_date
id match_id home_team_score away_team_score created_at updated_at
How to get latest team match, which have record in table 'scores', for exmpl:
need to get last match where team_id = 1
with this i get all matches of this team, but i need only the last,and where has record in scores table:
$lastMatch = Match::where('away_team_id', '=', '1')
->orWhere('home_team_id', '=', '1')
To get latest record from some table, you should be able to do something like this:
Model::latest('created_at', 'desc'))->first();
To get the result of two tables combined, you can join two tables, and then add orderBy
or latest
on the table and column you want.
So for the instance, in your case, that would be something like this:
Match::join('scores', 'matches.id', '=', 'scores.match_id')
->where('away_team_id', '=', '1')
->orWhere('home_team_id', '=', '1')