I am using below example of OpenTracing, Jaeger https://github.com/yurishkuro/opentracing-tutorial/tree/master/csharp/src/lesson01
I have my Jaeger UI running for which I used the below command.
docker run -d --name jaeger -e COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HTTP_PORT=9411 -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -p 5778:5778-p 16686:16686 -p 14268:14268 -p 9411:9411 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
Below is my code which I tried from above github link
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using Jaeger.Metrics;
using Jaeger.Reporters;
using Jaeger.Samplers;
using Jaeger.Senders.Thrift;
using Jaeger;
using OpenTracing;
using OpenTracing.Util;
namespace Jaeger_Class_Library
public class Hello
private readonly ITracer _tracer;
private readonly ILogger<Hello> _logger;
public Hello()
public Hello(OpenTracing.ITracer tracer, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
_tracer = tracer;
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Hello>();
public void SayHello(string helloTo)
var span = _tracer.BuildSpan("say-hello").Start();
var helloString = $"Hello, {helloTo}!";
private static Tracer InitTracer(string serviceName, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
var samplerConfiguration = new Configuration.SamplerConfiguration(loggerFactory)
var reporterConfiguration = new Configuration.ReporterConfiguration(loggerFactory)
return (Tracer)new Configuration(serviceName, loggerFactory)
public void TriggerTrace()
using (var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole())
var helloTo = "Test message to Trace";
using (var tracer = InitTracer("hello-world", loggerFactory))
new Hello(tracer, loggerFactory).SayHello(helloTo);
Above is the Class Library project. Below is my console app where I am calling the TriggerTrace Method. When that function is executed I would expect some traces in the Jaeger UI,
static void Main(string[] args)
Hello hello = new Hello();
Below is the error I see, I do not see any traces in the UI, Am I missing any configuration ?
warn: Jaeger.Senders.SenderResolver[0]
**No suitable sender found. Using NoopSender, meaning that data will not be sent anywhere!**
info: Jaeger.Configuration[0]
Initialized Tracer(ServiceName=hello-world, Version=CSharp-, Reporter=CompositeReporter(Reporters=RemoteReporter(Sender=NoopSender()), LoggingReporter(Logger=Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger`1[Jaeger.Reporters.LoggingReporter])), Sampler=ConstSampler(True), IPv4=172425085, Tags=[jaeger.version, CSharp-], [hostname, RRUPAKULA-LAP], [ip,], ZipkinSharedRpcSpan=False, ExpandExceptionLogs=False, UseTraceId128Bit=False)
info: Jaeger_Class_Library.Hello[0]
Hello, Test message to Trace!
info: Jaeger.Reporters.LoggingReporter[0]
Span reported: cc9fa176171a0dab:cc9fa176171a0dab:0000000000000000:1 - say-hello
I had the same problem. Found this page that explains how to configure Thrift sender: https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-client-csharp/blob/master/src/Senders/Jaeger.Senders.Thrift/README.md
The C# tutorial does not mention it though ...
And here is my InitTracer(). Works fine with Jaeger launched from binary:
private static Tracer InitTracer(string serviceName, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
Configuration.SenderConfiguration.DefaultSenderResolver = new SenderResolver(loggerFactory)
var samplerConfiguration = new Configuration.SamplerConfiguration(loggerFactory)
var sender = new SenderConfiguration(loggerFactory);
var reporterConfiguration = new Configuration.ReporterConfiguration(loggerFactory)
return (Tracer)new Configuration(serviceName, loggerFactory)