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Custom Modes for Actions On Google thermostat

I'm trying to make an app for a thermostat which has some custom modes which the user can set as a base for when they're home, asleep, ... The thermostat works without the custom modes, so i can get and set temperatures. However, when I add the modes, it fails, and I can't find why, the json seems ok by me (sent as a SyncResponse.Payload in java).

    "payload": {
        "agentUserId": "qba-001-3464",
        "devices": [
                "traits": [
                "willReportState": true,
                "name": {
                    "defaultNames": [
                    "name": "qba-001-3464",
                    "nicknames": [
                        "ENGIE boxx"
                "attributes": {
                    "availableThermostatModes": [
                    "thermostatTemperatureRange": {
                        "maxThresholdCelsius": 30,
                        "minThresholdCelsius": 6
                    "availableModes": [
                            "ordered": false,
                            "settings": [
                                    "settingValues": [
                                            "lang": "en",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "nl",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "fr",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                    "settingName": "comfort"
                                    "settingValues": [
                                            "lang": "en",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "nl",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "fr",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                    "settingName": "home"
                                    "settingValues": [
                                            "lang": "en",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "nl",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "fr",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                    "settingName": "sleep"
                                    "settingValues": [
                                            "lang": "en",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "nl",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "fr",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                    "settingName": "away"
                                    "settingValues": [
                                            "lang": "en",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "nl",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                            "lang": "fr",
                                            "settingSynonym": [
                                    "settingName": "holiday"
                            "nameValues": [
                                    "nameSynonym": [
                                    "lang": "en"
                                    "nameSynonym": [
                                    "lang": "nl"
                                    "nameSynonym": [
                                    "lang": "fr"
                            "name": "temperature_state"
                    "thermostatTemperatureUnit": "C"
                "id": "qba-001-3464",
                "type": "action.devices.types.THERMOSTAT",
                "deviceInfo": {
                    "swVersion": "qb2/uni/5.39.6",
                    "model": "ENGIEboxx",
                    "manufacturer": "Toon",
                    "hwVersion": "6599-1500-5000"
    "requestId": "12754277927386056776"


  • I made 2 mistakes in this json code:

    • The settingValues, settingSynonym, nameValues and nameSynonym all weren't supposed to be camel case --> setting_values, setting_synonym, name_values, name_synonym
    • Apparently Google doesn't allow for accents to be used, so the word "congé" for example had to be "conge" or it would not work.