When I get my decoder to run I can translate a word from Morse to normal but if I use more than one word it doesn't separate the words, how do I separate the words? Here is my code:
code_dict = {'.-...': '&', '--..--': ',', '....-': '4', '.....': '5',
'...---...': 'SOS', '-...': 'B', '-..-': 'X', '.-.': 'R',
'.--': 'W', '..---': '2', '.-': 'A', '..': 'I', '..-.': 'F',
'.': 'E', '.-..': 'L', '...': 'S', '..-': 'U', '..--..': '?',
'.----': '1', '-.-': 'K', '-..': 'D', '-....': '6', '-...-': '=',
'---': 'O', '.--.': 'P', '.-.-.-': '.', '--': 'M', '-.': 'N',
'....': 'H', '.----.': "'", '...-': 'V', '--...': '7', '-.-.-.': ';',
'-....-': '-', '..--.-': '_', '-.--.-': ')', '-.-.--': '!', '--.': 'G',
'--.-': 'Q', '--..': 'Z', '-..-.': '/', '.-.-.': '+', '-.-.': 'C', '---...': ':',
'-.--': 'Y', '-': 'T', '.--.-.': '@', '...-..-': '$', '.---': 'J', '-----': '0',
'----.': '9', '.-..-.': '"', '-.--.': '(', '---..': '8', '...--': '3'
def decodeMorse(morseCode):
results = []
for item in morseCode.split(' '):
results = ''.join(results)
return results.lower()
morseCode = input('Message: ')
hello my name is
, is:
.... . .-.. .-.. --- -- -.-- -. .- -- . .. ...
when I run the decoder it gives me hellomynameis
, I would like it to give me hello my name is
Your example made it not possible. You are not giving any other separator than a space
in the input and so you are not able to divide words in any way.
Your solution is to give your input a word separator (for example
(double space), then split with .split(" ")
and loop tru words).
Other solution might be nltk
library, which might have some special functions for that - but here I'm just guessing.