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[TypeGraphQL]Cannot determine GraphQL input type

An error occurs in the following configuration. Please tell me the cause of the error and how to fix it.

■Error message

Error: Cannot determine GraphQL input type for 'zzzzzInputs' of 'XxxxxInput' class. Is the value, that is used as its TS type or explicit type, decorated with a proper decorator or is it a proper input value?

■Reproduction environment and method

  1. Clone
    git clone

  2. Execute commands
    npm ci
    npm run start

■Application/library stack

  • Node.js/Express
  • sequelize
  • sequelize-typescript
  • type-graphql


export class ZzzzzInput {
    @Field((type) => ZzzzzType)
    zzzzz!: ZzzzzType;
    // @Field()
    // zzzzz!: string;

export class XxxxxInput {
    @Field((type) => [ZzzzzInput])
    zzzzzInputs!: ZzzzzInput[];
    // @Field((type) => [String])
    // zzzzzInputs!: string[];

@Resolver((of) => Yyyyy)
export class XxxxxResolver {
    @Mutation((returns) => Yyyyy)
    async addXxxxx(@Arg("Xxxxx") XxxxxInput: XxxxxInput): Promise<Yyyyy> {
        const serviceOutput: XxxxxServiceOutputDto = {};

        return Promise.resolve(serviceOutput.addedXxxxx!);

■I coded it by referring to here.
Cannot determine GraphQL input type for argument named


  • I solved my problem by modifying like below. Look at '★'.
    (And found another one, solved too.)


    // @ObjectType()   // ★  Before
    @InputType()       // ★  After
    export class ZzzzzInput {
        @Field((type) => ZzzzzType)
        zzzzz!: ZzzzzType;
        // @Field()
        // zzzzz!: string;
    export class XxxxxInput {
        @Field((type) => [ZzzzzInput])
        zzzzzInputs!: ZzzzzInput[];
        // @Field((type) => [String])
        // zzzzzInputs!: string[];
    @Resolver((of) => Yyyyy)
    export class XxxxxResolver {
        @Mutation((returns) => Yyyyy)
        async addXxxxx(@Arg("Xxxxx") XxxxxInput: XxxxxInput): Promise<Yyyyy> {
            const serviceOutput: XxxxxServiceOutputDto = {};
            return Promise.resolve(serviceOutput.addedXxxxx!);

    ■Related source


        static getGraphQLInputType(target, propertyName, type, typeOptions = {}, parameterIndex, argName) {
            let gqlType;
            gqlType = types_1.convertTypeIfScalar(type);
            if (!gqlType) {
                ★ Finding process below not worked when @ObjectType.
                const inputType = this.inputTypesInfo.find(it => === type);
                if (inputType) {
                    gqlType = inputType.type;
            if (!gqlType) {
                ☆ Finding process below not worked when wrong order in src/index.ts.
                const enumType = this.enumTypesInfo.find(it => it.enumObj === type);
                if (enumType) {
                    gqlType = enumType.type;
            if (!gqlType) {
                throw new errors_1.CannotDetermineGraphQLTypeError("input",, propertyName, parameterIndex, argName);
            const { nullableByDefault } = build_context_1.BuildContext;
            return types_1.wrapWithTypeOptions(target, propertyName, gqlType, typeOptions, nullableByDefault);

    ■Another problem

    After I've solved above problem, another one occured. Error message is below:

    Error: Cannot determine GraphQL input type for 'zzzzz' of 'ZzzzzInput' class. Is the value, that is used as its TS type or explicit type, decorated with a proper decorator or is it a proper input value?

    Look at ☆ in schema-generator.js.
    Enum type 'ZzzzzType' couldn't be found, so error occured.
    Because this.enumTypesInfo doesn't contain 'ZzzzzType'.
    Because I executed registering Enumtype after SchemaGenerating process.
    I had to modify below.

        // enable Enum
        registerEnumType(ZzzzzType, {
            name: "ZzzzzType",
        const schema = await buildSchema({
            resolvers: [__dirname + "/graphql/*.resolver.ts"],
            emitSchemaFile: true,
            validate: false,
    //    // enable Enum
    //    registerEnumType(ZzzzzType, {
    //        name: "ZzzzzType",
    //    });