I'm currently testing my mailers with RSpec, but I've started setting up multipart emails as described in the Rails Guides here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_mailer_basics.html#sending-multipart-emails
I have both mailer templates in text and html formats, but it looks like my tests are only checking the HTML portion. Is there a way to check the text template separately?
Is it only checking the HTML view because it's first in the default order?
This can be tested with regular expressions.
Finding things in the HTML portion (use #should after this to match):
mail.body.parts.find {|p| p.content_type.match /html/}.body.raw_source
Finding things in the plain text portion (use #should after this to match):
mail.body.parts.find {|p| p.content_type.match /plain/}.body.raw_source
Checking that it is, indeed, generating a multipart message:
it "generates a multipart message (plain text and html)" do
mail.body.parts.length.should == 2
mail.body.parts.collect(&:content_type).should == ["text/html; charset=UTF-8", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"]