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MessageKit: the added input bar button only appears after I sent a message

I'm building an app using MessageKit.

I added an InputBarItem to the input bar, but it doesn't appear when the view first appears. Only after I pressed "send", the item shows up.

Below is part of the ChatViewController. Any idea why this happens?

Thank you!

class ChatViewController: MessagesViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        view.backgroundColor = .white
        messageInputBar.delegate = self


extension ChatViewController: MessagesDataSource {

// MARK: - MessageInputBarDelegate

extension ChatViewController: InputBarAccessoryViewDelegate {

    func inputBar(_ inputBar: InputBarAccessoryView, didPressSendButtonWith text: String) {

    private func makeButton(named: String) -> InputBarButtonItem {
        return InputBarButtonItem()
            .configure {
                $0.spacing = .fixed(10)
                $0.image = UIImage(systemName: named)?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
                $0.setSize(CGSize(width: 25, height: 25), animated: false)
                $0.tintColor = .blue
    func processInputBar(_ inputBar: InputBarAccessoryView) {
        let components = inputBar.inputTextView.components
        inputBar.inputTextView.text = String()
        let items = [
            makeButton(named: "plus")
        inputBar.setLeftStackViewWidthConstant(to: 36, animated: false)
        inputBar.setStackViewItems(items, forStack: .left, animated: false)


  • It is happening because of following code -

    func inputBar(_ inputBar: InputBarAccessoryView, didPressSendButtonWith text: String) {

    If you see here the delegate function says didPressSendButtonWith and you are calling your function to add item here. So after pressing send your function gets called adding the item to input bar.
