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Jenkins secret text credential as variable in pipeline script

I have created a credential test_cred of type secret text to store a password, which should be passed to an ansible playbook. I am passing this parameter as an extra variable root_pass to ansible, but the value root_pass is evaluated to string test_cred instead of the secret text contained in it. Can somebody please help to get the value of the credential test_cred so that I can pass it to ansible.

stages {
    stage('Execution') {
        steps {
            withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'test_cred', variable: 'test')]) {
                installation: 'ansible',
                inventory: "inventory/hosts",
                playbook: "${PLAYBOOK}",
                extraVars: [
                    server: "${params.Server}",
                    client: "${params.Client}",
                    root_pass: "${test}"


  • Thank you Zeitounator. The working code is:

    stages {
        stage('Execution') {
            steps {
                withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'test_cred', variable: 'test')]) {
                    installation: 'ansible',
                    inventory: "inventory/hosts",
                    playbook: "${PLAYBOOK}",
                    extraVars: [
                        server: "${params.Server}",
                        client: "${params.Client}",
                        root_pass: "${test}"