I just starting to using odoo 11. I'm using tree inside FOLDER
form, for displaying data of one2many field. The data inside tree view will be created when I click SYNC
button. That button will trigger external api get method and then create appropriate data according to JSON value. When I click the button it triggered the method and successfully entered the database but when I look into the tree view, there is no value. Please help, I am stuck.
class GetFolder(models.Model):
_name = 'get_folders'
name_folder = fields.Text(string='Name')
email_blacklist = fields.Integer(string='Email Blacklist',store=True)
email_subscribers = fields.Integer(string='Email Subscribers',store=True)
unique_subscribers = fields.Integer(string='Unique Subscribers', store=True)
email_count = fields.Integer(string='Email', store=True)
foldersId = fields.Integer(string='FolderId', store=True)
list_folder_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name='get_lists', string='Folder',
inverse_name='folder_lists', help="")
def get_lists_request(self):
res = self.env['get_lists'].search([('foldersId','=',self.foldersId)])
for record in res:
list_url = ""
querystring = {"limit":"50","offset":"0","sort":"desc"}
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"api-key": ""
list_response = requests.request("GET", list_url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
list_loads = simplejson.loads(list_response.text)
for list_load in list_loads.get("lists"):
names = list_load['name']
ids = list_load['id']
blacklist = list_load['totalBlacklisted']
subscribe = list_load['totalSubscribers']
'id': self.id,
'name': names,
'email_subscribers': subscribe,
'email_blacklist': blacklist,
'listId' : ids,
'foldersId' : self.foldersId,
class GetList(models.Model):
_name = "get_lists"
name = fields.Char(string="Name")
email_subscribers = fields.Integer(string="Total Subscribers", store=True)
email_blacklist = fields.Integer(string="Total Blacklist", store=True)
folder_lists = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='get_folders', string='Lists')
foldersId = fields.Integer(string="Folder Id", related="folder_lists.foldersId", store=True)
listId = fields.Integer(string="List Id", store=True)
<page string="Lists">
<tr style="margin-bottom:100px;">
<td><button type="object" name="get_lists_request" string="Synch" class="oe_inline oe_button btn-success"/></td>
<field name="list_folder_ids"/>
record = self.env['get_folders'].search([('id','=',self.id)])
for recx in record:
'id': self.id,
'name': names,
'email_subscribers': subscribe,
'email_blacklist': blacklist,
'listId' : ids,
'foldersId': recx.id,
Yes it is succeed. Sorry for my late reply. After trying and fixing multiple times. I truly looked at your code and find the error. It is actually really simple. I forgot to input the many2one value. You really made my day. Thank you.
You need to pass the primary_key
while creating the get_lists
object data.
'id': self.id,
'name': names,
'email_subscribers': subscribe,
'email_blacklist': blacklist,
'listId' : ids,
'foldersId' : self.foldersId,
'folder_lists': self and self.id // set the ref