I have a list points
of triples containing (x, y, z) where x is the x-coordinate, y is the y-coordinate and z is a magnitude. Now I want to check if any point in the list is within a certain radius to the other points in the list. If so the point in the radius has to be deleted. Therefore I made the following code.
radius = 20
for _, current_point in enumerate(points):
# get the x and y coordinate of the current point
current_x, current_y = current_point[0], current_point[1]
for _, elem in enumerate(points):
# check if the second point is within the radius of the first point
if (elem[0] - current_x)**2 + (elem[1] - current_y)**2 < radius**2:
# remove the point if its within the radius
When I run this the list still contains points which are within the radius of another point. Is there some property of enumerate
that I'm missing here?
You can iteratively build a new list containing points satisfying the condition.
radius = 20
spread_points = []
for point in points:
# get the x and y coordinate of the current point
current_x, current_y = point[0], point[1]
for sp in spread_points:
# check if the second point is within the radius of the first point
if (sp[0] - current_x)**2 + (sp[1] - current_y)**2 < radius**2:
For a more efficient algorithm, perhaps you can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadtree.
Or to just speed this up, you can use numpy arrays to speed up the one point to many points distance computation.