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TS2345 error, but the arguments should be ok?

So i have this error:

TS2345: Argument of type '(bounds: any, fill: any, stroke: any, strokewidth: any) => mxShape' is not assignable to parameter of type 'new (...args: any) => mxShape'. 
Type '(bounds: any, fill: any, stroke: any, strokewidth: any) => mxShape' provides no match for the signature 'new (...args: any): mxShape'.

In my understanding, new (...args: any): mxShape should be sufficient for the given, but Typescript says, its not fitting for it. Why?

This how my MxHeaderShape is built:

     function MxHeaderFooterShape(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth) : mxShape{
        let val =;
        this.bounds = bounds;
        this.fill = fill;
        this.stroke = stroke;
        this.strokewidth = (strokewidth != null) ? strokewidth : 1;
        return val;


  • It seems that you want to create a MxHeaderFooterShape class that extends mxShape. Assuming you are using typed-mxgraph, you can use this way of doing

    import mx from './mxgraph'; // mxGraphExportObject returned by the mxgraph factory function
    import type { mxRectangle } from 'mxgraph';
    class CustomMxShape extends mx.mxShape {
      constructor(bounds: mxRectangle, fill: string, stroke: string, strokewidth?: number) {
        super(bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth);

    You can also check this demo: