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How to partition a large julia DataFrame to an arrow file and process each partition sequentially when reading the data

I am working with very large DataFrames in Julia resulting in out of memory errors when I do joins and other manipulations on the data. Fortunately the the data can be partitioned on an identifier column. I want to persist the partitioned DataFrame using the record batches feature build into Arrow.jl, and then read and process each record batch in turn. I have managed to get the following to work, but are unable to get the original DataFrame back on reading the data. On reading back the data I get a DataFrame with all the data in each column an array of the data in the original partition. I don't know whether my problem is how I am creating the partitions in the first place or on how I am reading back the data:

using Random
using DataFrames
using Arrow

function nextidrange(minId, maxId, batchsize, i)
    fromId = minId + batchsize * (i-1)
    toId = min(maxId, (minId + batchsize * i)-1)
    return fromId, toId

minId = 1
maxId = 1000
idrange = (maxId - minId) + 1
df = DataFrame(ID=minId:maxId, B=rand(idrange), C=randstring.(fill(5,idrange)));
batchsize = 100
batches = ceil(Int32, idrange / batchsize)
partitions = Array{SubDataFrame}(undef, 0)
for i = 1:batches
    fromId, toId = nextidrange(minId, maxId, batchsize, i)
    push!(partitions, filter([:ID] => x -> fromId <= x <= toId, df; view = true))
io = IOBuffer()
Arrow.write(io, partitions)
batches = Arrow.Stream(io)
for b in batches
  bt = b |> DataFrame
  println("Rows = $(nrow(bt))")

For each record batch I am expecting a DataFrame with three columns and 100 rows of data. Implementation notes: In the actual data there may be gaps in the identifier values. I have considered using JuliaDB, but DataFrames appears to be much better maintained and supported.


  • I have resolved my problem, like this:

    using Random
    using DataFrames
    using Arrow
    using Tables
    function nextidrange(minId, maxId, batchsize, i)
        fromId = minId + batchsize * (i-1)
        toId = min(maxId, (minId + batchsize * i)-1)
        return fromId, toId
    minId = 1
    maxId = 1000
    idrange = (maxId - minId) + 1
    df = DataFrame(ID=minId:maxId, B=rand(idrange), C=randstring.(fill(5,idrange)));
    batchsize = 100
    numbatches = ceil(Int32, idrange / batchsize)
    partitions = Array{SubDataFrame}(undef, 0)
    for i = 1:numbatches 
        fromId, toId = nextidrange(minId, maxId, batchsize, i)
        push!(partitions, filter([:ID] => x -> fromId <= x <= toId, df; view = true))
    io = IOBuffer()
    Arrow.write(io, Tables.partitioner(partitions))
    recordbatches = Arrow.Stream(io)
    ab = Array{DataFrame}(undef,0)
    for b in recordbatches 
      bt = b |> DataFrame
      println("Rows = $(nrow(bt))")

    The issue was that the array of DataFrame views should be placed in a call to Tables.partitioner