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componentdidmount - prop-types validation

Thank you for your time.

Noob React question... i know componentDidMount will fire after the first render of the component, which is why the prop-types eslint error i am getting is being triggered. However i am not sure how you would fix this and add validation, propTypes validation fires before the getArticles() function therefore if i declare a propTypes it returns undefined... as i.e. articles has not been defined until after the first render and and componentDidMount is called... have had a good dig and cant see a simple solution for what i assume is a common problem??

Question - how do you validate props that have not yet been fetched.

class ArticlesList extends Component {
  componentDidMount() {

  render() {
    return{ id, date, heading, body }) => (
      <Article key={id} date={date} heading={heading} body={body} />

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return { articles: state.articles };

export default connect(mapStateToProps, { getArticles })(ArticlesList);


  • Destructure the componentDidMount i.e.

    componentDidMount() {
    { getArticles } = this.props;

    and adding

    ArticlesList.propTypes = {
      getArticles: PropTypes.func,
      articles: PropTypes.array,