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Converting daily data to weekly data using R

I have the daily data of two stocks (Apple and Google)

dt = tidyquant::tq_get(c("AAPL", "GOOG")) %>%
  arrange(symbol, date)

I am trying to convert this data from daily to weekly using the following code

result = dt %>%
  group_by(symbol) %>%
  tidyquant::tq_transmute(mutate_fun = to.weekly) %>% data.table
result[symbol == "AAPL" & date == "2017-02-03"]

Somehow, the result is wrong. As an example, the weekly data for AAPL on 2017-02-03 is coming as follows using the above code-

   symbol       date    open    high   low close   volume 
1:   AAPL 2017-02-03 32.0775 32.2975 32.04 32.27 98029200 

However, the correct result should be -

   symbol       date     open     high      low  close   volume 
1:   AAPL 2017-02-03  30.2325  32.6225  30.1550  32.2700 999124986   

Can someone help me here?



  • At the time of writing: a bug, see github issue 148.

    A possible workaround, using tidyr and timetk and purrr. Using timetk to get the data into xts format, transform data into weekly and turn back into a data.frame format. Including nest and unnest from tidyr and map from purrr. data.table is not needed but prints the data a lot better than tibbles.

    # library(purrr)
    result <- dt %>% 
      group_by(symbol) %>% 
      nest() %>%   
      mutate(data = purrr::map(data, function(x) x %>% 
                                 select(date, Open = open, High = high, Low = low, Close = close) %>% 
                                 tk_xts(x, select = c(Open, High, Low, Close), date_var = date) %>% 
                                 to.weekly %>% 
                                 tk_tbl)) %>% 
      unnest(data) %>% 
      rename_with( ~ tolower(gsub("..", "", .x, fixed = T))) %>% 
      rename(date = index)
    result %>% 
      data.table %>% 
      filter(date == "2017-02-03")
       symbol       date     open     high     low  close
    1:   AAPL 2017-02-03  30.2325  32.6225  30.155  32.27
    2:   GOOG 2017-02-03 814.6600 815.8400 790.520 801.49