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crontab some commands works, others do not


I've got a python script that writes a row to a sqlite3 database. I would like to run it with crontab, but can't get it working.

What I've tried so far

crontab -l                
* * * * * /opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/ 
* * * * * /opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/

The first command is the one that appends to the database row. I can copy and paste that command at the command line, run it, and it adds the row. It does not run every minute. The contents of /Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/ are

# /Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/
import subprocess
import re
import sqlite3
import datetime

def get_conds():
    # Run the command to get battery info
    command = "system_profiler SPPowerDataType".split()
    response =, check=True, capture_output=True)
    response = str(response.stdout)

    # Get just the parts of interest
    cycle_count = re.findall(r"Cycle Count: (\d+)", response)[0]
    condition = re.findall(r"Condition: (\w+)", response)[0]
    max_capacity = re.findall(r"Maximum Capacity: (\d+)", response)[0]
    now = str(

    return [now, cycle_count, condition, max_capacity]

def append_row_to_db(db_name: str, items: list):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
    with conn:
        conn.execute("INSERT INTO battery_condition VALUES (?,?,?,?)", items)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get the condition
    battery_condition = get_conds()

    # Append to the file
    filename = "/Users/natemcintosh/dev/battery_condition/battery_condition.db"
    append_row_to_db(filename, battery_condition)

The second command is a test script that does work.

import datetime

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("/Users/natemcintosh/Desktop/crontest.txt", "a+") as f:
        now = str(

Every minute, a new line appears in /Users/natemcintosh/Desktop/crontest.txt with the current date and time. I've also tried having the test script write to other locations on disk, and they all seem to work.


  • With the help of Gordon Davisson, I've figure out the issue. When I call, check=True, capture_output=True), the command did not have the full path to the executable.

    It used to be

    command = "system_profiler SPPowerDataType".split()

    I got the full path to the system_profiler command with

    $ which system_profiler

    And fixed the line in my python script to be

    command = "/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPPowerDataType".split()

    The tool now runs successfully!